
What is the role of wood in contemporary textiles?
wooden textiles,traditional fabric,domestic textiles,innovation,advantages,disadvantages,designers using this material,sustainability,practicality,

My main aim is to find out the current position of hard materials at innovative textiles industry. Use of wood in textiles ,artist who are using this material,what techniques they are using and what they are dedicated for? What people think about them at interior environment?
What are advantages and disadvantages?
What they combine with wood to get a good quality fabric?
Are they more practical then traditional form?
How looks sustainable side of production those textiles?

Last year I based my final major project on up cycled wood and metal as a form of ‘textiles’. That gave me a lot to think about traditional fabrics and new materials. I have been question myself: what is a fabric? Which material can we use as a fabric and which do not? I find out that fabric can be anything,depends only how we use it. Does not has to be transformed into a thread or yearn to create fabric. This year I want to find out practical side in this aspect and what can be the future. Traditional fabrics at domestic environment get dirty very quickly and they duration is limited. New designer should consider others forms which last longer and are more functional. Wood is well known as a hard and solid source for building constructions and furnitures. In textiles industry wood was known as a tool for stamp printing or part of machines. In our days new designers often using a traditional sources in a new way for textiles like Elisa Strozyk. She is working with thin pices of wood on textiles creating cloth.

Research books and journals to look at beginning of innovative fabrics
Research existing designers who have adapted to those materials
Find out feedback about their work;
Investigate sustainable side;
What people think about this type of products?
Would they like to have it personally?
Would they give up traditional fabrics from their domestic environment to get one of those?
What is the future for traditional textiles?
Which is more sustainable?
Compare traditional textiles and wooden;

Colchester Chloe, “The new textiles trends+traditions”,
(Thames & Hudson, 1991)

Rossbach Ed “40 years of exploration and innovation in fabric art”,(Asheville, N.C. : Lark Books ; Washington, D.C. : Textile Museum, 1990.)

O’Mhony M, Braddock Sarah “Textiles and new technology”,(London : Artemis, 1994)


Streaky Elisa, 10.11.2016)

Hernandez Ricardo,’Wooden textiles add a new dimension’, 30.10.2009,,(23.11.2016)

Viencato Diego,’Wooden Mesh’,,(23.11.2016)

Charlcraft Emilie,’Wooden Mesh by Diego Vencato’, Dezeen,13.03.2013,(15.11.2016)

‘Problems of the domestic textiles industry’,,(Washington, 22.11.2016) 28 th 11.2016