Organizational culture's influence on creativity and innovation Custom Essay

The formative essay (500 words) should entail the brief description of the subject matter of the project and its motivation. It is important to try as early as possible to formulate the question, which the project is to investigate and delineate the methods through which data will be selected to address that question. A good formative essay will include the following: 1) A title 2) A brief description of the subject matter of the essay with a clear statement as to why that subject matter admits a qualitative rather than a quantitative approach 3) An indication of the qualitative methodological approach (case study, ethnography, narrative, netnography) to be used and why 4) The data collection methods as the project group envisages them at the moment Answer: 1) Here I chose the subject: Organizational culture’s influence on creativity and innovation. 3) And the qualitative methodological approach chosen is the multiple case study approach.