Why (in your opinion, backed by ancient sources) did the Roman state come into conflict with both Jews and Christians? How far did the Romans distinguish the two?
You can use any resources you can find ? but make sure you cite them!
This is not a research assignment, so the standard will be different to that expected for essays. In an essay you are showing your research and analytical skills; in this you will be showing your grasp of the main concepts of this course, and understanding of events and their contexts, and your familiarity with the ancient evidence.
? Yes, you can just cite the titles form the course reader, no publication details required. So for example (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book VIII) would be sufficient.
? I would suggest, for ease of writing, just using in-text citation.
YOU MUST CITE your sources if you refer to other people’s work, however you may keep the citation simple ? author, title of work, page number (or section number if source is ancient). Don’t worry about formatting of footnotes/citations, you will not be penalised for incorrect formatting, only for failure to acknowledge the work of others.
You are expected to show your knowledge of the ancient sources ? this means you should be familiar with the main sources for each period and/or issue. You should also be familiar with the names of the literary works produced by ancient authors.
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