
One-paragraph identifications. Choose 3 of the following prompts and write one “meaty” paragraph in response to each. Say what it is, who is involved, when and where it took place, how and why it happened, and importantly, why this topic is important for our understanding of U.S. history? (3 x 15 = 45 points)

•African Americans during World War II
•Cold War culture (circa 1950s)
•President Nixon & the American War in Vietnam
•The “Reagan Revolution” of 1980-1988
•Globalization and its effects on the U.S. in the 1990s

Important: I choose •President Nixon & the American War in Vietnam
•The “Reagan Revolution” of 1980-1988
•Globalization and its effects on the U.S. in the 1990s
and Based on The book “Give me Liberty) by Foner