I need you to do create an Enterprise Information Security Policy for the company called Super Courier. You should study a similar enterprise info sec policy and use it as a template for your work. you should create a similar but unique policy of your own. Also you should create an Issue Specific Policy using the same technique as you did for the information Security Policy.
Here’s what you are supposed to do:
Enterprise Information Security Policy
Create an Enterprise Information Security Policy for the company, based on the template in the text. Feel free to use assumptions to fill the policy with information as if you are the CISO of the company. A detailed policy is not required.
Issue Specific Policies
Create a list outlining the ISSPs that the company will need (up to 10), and specify what each policy should address (1 – 3 sentences each). As an example, create one issue-specific security policy for the case, based on the template in the text. The issue you are to address is fair and responsible use of office e-mail ***