Part 1 (approximately 1500 words)
Design a program of intervention to help a student included in your class who has challenging behaviours.
• Describe the problematic behaviour.
• Explain how the behaviour functions for the student, that is, what do you hypothesise is the purpose of the behaviour. What elements in the student’s experience and current educational and domestic circumstances appear to prevent him/her using more socially appropriate behaviour.
• List, describe, and prioritise behaviour(s) of concern.
What do you think causes the behaviour? Construct a tentative hypothesis about how the behaviour ‘functions’ for the student. This is very likely to evolve as you collect assessment information and collaborate with colleagues – be very careful that your biases do not cloud your vision at this point. Never make a definitive decision; your hypotheses are always ‘work in progress’.
• When do these behaviours occur?
• How often do these behaviours occur?
• Is there any circumstance under which the behaviour does not occur?
• Is there any circumstance under which the behaviour always occurs?
• Does the behaviour occur more often during certain times of the day?
• Does the behaviour occur in response to the number of people present?
• Does the behaviour occur only with certain people?
• Does the behaviour occur only during certain subjects?
• Could the behaviour be related to any skill deficits?
What observable events signal that the behaviour is about to occur?
Part 2
• Approximately 500 words
• From a teaching perspective, describe how you would address the problem by designing a classroom or school-yard based intervention.
Part 3
• Approximately 500 words
• Evaluate the likely success/non-success of your intervention.
• Consider your criteria for evaluation