project management and control

project management and control

The assignment is about a group activity on a case study where in we create and manage the construction of a oil terminal using microsoft project software . I am one among five people in the group. The activity was carried out in 6- 7 weeks with each week we get updates and changes which we have to perform for the next week wherein we will be assessed by one other group the whole class was divided in 11-12 groups of 5-6 people each.

The assignment should be about 2000-2400 words.

The first 500 words should be a critical review of how we organised as a group for the management of the project. We as a group used to meet twice ever week and divide our week for the week and then review our work in the second meeting. We used the project management 2.0 software WRIKE to communicate between each other. We used this software among many suggested because of the ease of use,interface and availability of mobile apps as well.

The next 1500 words what needs to be written is their in the assignment specs file. What the project is and how it was managed from the start date to the close date i will describe in depth once we get into starting the assignment including real world examples. How the group worked and all.

The assignment should contain atleast 16 academic papers or journals as referencing