Proposal Essay

This Proposal Essay to present plans and strategies you anticipate using in the construction of the upcoming major research paper. Inform the reader of your major research paper’s controversial topic and your position on the issue; then give reasons for your selection of the topic, offer possible research source locations, and predict potential opposition to your position.
This assignment allows you to brainstorm concepts and goals while strengthening your ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate main ideas for an audience and purpose. This assignment also demonstrates writing as a process that requires substantive revision, and it allows practice using writing strategies and appeals.
– contains an introduction that clearly guides the reader to the purpose of the Proposal Essay.
– contains body paragraphs that explain the major research paper’s controversial topic and your current position on the matter.
– predicts opposition to your position on the major research paper’s topic.
– suggests research sources that might prove beneficial in the development of the major research paper.
– contains a conclusion that clearly circles back to this Proposal Paper’s introduction.
– is revised until thoughts are clearly conveyed, paragraphs are logically developed, and grammar
is correct.

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