PSYC 101 quiz 1 complete solution correct answers key


Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 1 complete solutions correct answers key

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Chapter 1

Question 1 Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?

Question 2 The work of ______ psychologists often overlaps with the work of psychiatrists.

Question 3 Which of the following pioneers of psychology was a therapist?

Question 4 A movement with modern psychology that applies principles from Darwin’s theories is called

Question 5 Regarding functionalism, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 6 Dr. Chen finds in her study of people’s charitable habits that individuals overestimate the amount of money they give to their churches and private schools. Dr. Chen’s results may reflect

Question 7 Which of the following statements would be made by a humanist?

Question 8 In her dissertation research, a graduate student finds a correlation of +0.95 between two of the variables being studied. How should she interpret this correlation coefficient?

Question 9 Your psychology professor refers to a research study and says the results were “statistically significant.” What does this mean?

Question 10 Which type of psychologist might administer an intelligence test to your 12­year­old child to determine if he or she should be in special education classes?

Question 11 Your professor stated that stress can lead to heart disease. She cited several medical studies to show that stress was linked to heart disease. Therefore, she said we should avoid all forms of stress in order to ensure living a long and healthy life. The professor needs to rethink advice based on which of the following features of critical thinking?

Question 12 Regarding training to work in the field of psychology, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 13 Dr. Holder is a psychologist working from the sociocultural perspective. In her research, which variable is Dr. Holder LEAST likely to study?

Question 14 Ethics review committees are typically composed of

Question 15 _____ psychologists study the relationship between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical illness.

Question 16 In a drug study, group one receives an inactive pill and group two receives a pill that is believed to be effective in treating depression. Group two is the

Question 17 A member of which minority group is least likely to be the recipient of a doctorate in the field of psychology?

Question 18 Psychology made the transition from philosophy to science with which event?

Question 19 The ethical code of psychologists is based on all but which of the following ideas?

Question 20 An emphasis on the unconscious and early childhood experience characterizes which school of psychology?


Question 1 Which of the following statements is NOT true of a correlation?

Question 2 Dr. Vickers just took a position as an educational psychologist with the Blackstone School System. Of the following tasks, which is Vickers LEAST likely to do in this position?

Question 3 Which type of psychologist would be interested in memory loss in elderly individuals?

Question 4 ______ was the first African American to receive a doctorate in psychology in the United States, and ______ was the first African American to publish research findings in a major journal.

Question 5 Psychology is a scientific discipline in that it focuses on

Question 6 An emphasis on the unconscious and early childhood experience characterizes which school of psychology?

Question 7 One of the main reasons that information published in scientific journals is trustworthy is because

Question 8 Dr. Finnegan, a psychological researcher, ensures that he maintains the privacy of his research records. Which ethical principle does this example describe?

Question 9 Which of the following is the most complete definition of psychology?

Question 10 A researcher adhering to the psychodynamic perspective would likely believe that depression

Question 11 The use of the survey method is limited by which types of biases?

Question 12 All of the following are steps in the scientific method EXCEPT

Question 13 Your professor stated that stress can lead to heart disease. She cited several medical studies to show that stress was linked to heart disease. Therefore, she said we should avoid all forms of stress in order to ensure living a long and healthy life. The professor needs to rethink advice based on which of the following features of critical thinking?

Question 14 Which type of psychologist would evaluate whether overcrowding in urban areas is associated with increased violent crimes?

Question 15 You see a journal article entitled, “Injection of Happystuff Causes a Reduction in Symptoms of Depression in Adult Males.” This tells you that the independent variable

Question 16 ______ is a growing movement in psychology directed toward studies of human experience such as hope, happiness, and altruism.

Question 17 Regarding Mary Whiton Calkins, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 18 The behaviorist emphasis on observable events as the focus of inquiry can be traced to which philosopher?

Question 19 Caroline Sherry is a counseling psychologist. Which of the following is she LEAST likely to see as a client?

Question 20 A method of developing knowledge based on the evaluation of evidence from experiments and careful observation is called the ______ approach.


Question 1 Regarding the major contemporary perspectives in psychology, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 2 Dr. Wilmington is a social psychologist who studies the topic of love. He goes to a variety of places where couples are found and watches how they interact with each other. Which research method is Dr. Wilmington using for his study?

Question 3 Which theorists are associated with humanistic psychology?

Question 4 Which of the following early pioneers of psychology was a poor student and was required to repeat a grade?

Question 5 In a drug study, group one receives an inactive pill and group two receives a pill that is believed to be effective in treating depression. Group two is the

Question 6 The word ‘psychology’ comes from two Greek roots that mean

Question 7 All of the following are steps in the scientific method EXCEPT

Question 8 In 1970, women accounted for about what proportion of new doctorates in psychology?

Question 9 Regarding the psychodynamic perspective, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 10 The work of ______ psychologists often overlaps with the work of psychiatrists.

Question 11 Which of the following relationships would most likely have the weakest correlation?

Question 12 As scientists, psychologists have confidence in theories that

Question 13 Your dog is demonstrating some unacceptable behavior. You are able to go back in time to talk to one of the pioneers of psychology. Who would be the best choice to help with your problem?

Question 14 A correlation coefficient of 0.00 means

Question 15 The major proponent of behaviorism for much of the 20 th century was

Question 16 A school psychologist would be most likely to

Question 17 Your psychology professor refers to a research study and says the results were “statistically significant.” Which step in the scientific method does this apply?

Question 18 Dr. von Waldner conducts research on depression. His hypothesis is that depression results from maladaptive thought patterns. From which perspective is von Waldner working?

Question 19 Which of the following psychologists is most likely to study how humans process information?

Question 20 Which subspecialty represents the largest group of psychologists?


Question 1 Dr. Finnegan, a psychological researcher, ensures that he maintains the privacy of his research records. Which ethical principle does this example describe?

Question 2 Who is generally recognized as the founder of American psychology?

Question 3 Dr. Fiennes, a psychological researcher, studies the biological bases of memory problems in the elderly using animal research subjects. Fiennes is a(n) ______ psychologist.

Question 4 Which type of psychologist would be interested in memory loss in elderly individuals?

Question 5 What is the most common doctoral degree awarded in the field of psychology?

Question 6 A researcher adhering to the psychodynamic perspective would likely believe that depression

Question 7 ______ describes the attempt to duplicate research findings reported by other scientists.

Question 8 Dr. Burlington works with Ivy University’s basketball team, where he helps the athletes handle competitive pressures. He is also conducting a study to determine the most important factors influencing athletic performance anxiety. Burlington is probably a(n) ______ psychologist.

Question 9 The word ‘psychology’ comes from two Greek roots that mean

Question 10 A school psychologist would be most likely to

Question 11 Every participant in an experiment has an equal chance of receiving one of the treatments. This is called

Question 12 Psychology is a scientific discipline in that it focuses on

Question 13 Regarding behaviorism, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 14 A correlation coefficient of 0.00 means

Question 15 Psychology made the transition from philosophy to science with which event?

Question 16 In researching a report on John Watson, which of the following search terms would yield the best results?

Question 17 An extension of the behavioral perspective that incorporates the study of mental processes is termed ________.

Question 18 An industrial/organizational psychologist would typically

Question 19 Dr. von Waldner conducts research on depression. His hypothesis is that depression results from maladaptive thought patterns. From which perspective is von Waldner working?

Question 20 A developmental psychologist would most likely


Question 1 What is the most common doctoral degree awarded in the field of psychology?

Question 2 This early pioneer in psychology, who developed a new theory of color vision, received his/her Ph.D. several decades after completing all of the requirements for the degree.

Question 3 The Gestalt school of psychology was founded by_________.

Question 4 A member of which minority group is least likely to be the recipient of a doctorate in the field of psychology?

Question 5 Which of the following is the most complete definition of psychology?

Question 6 Christine Ladd­Franklin is credited as being

Question 7 Ajit is a graduate student in psychology who is conducting research on the effectiveness of two types of therapy in the treatment of phobias. Ajit is at the stage where he uses statistics to analyze the data he has collected in order to determine if his initial hypothesis is supported by the research. At which stage of the scientific method is Ajit working?

Question 8 Dr. von Waldner conducts research on depression. His hypothesis is that depression results from maladaptive thought patterns. From which perspective is von Waldner working?

Question 9 As a humanist, Dr. Randall is most likely interested in all but which of the following questions?

Question 10 ______ is a growing movement in psychology directed toward studies of human experience such as hope, happiness, and altruism.

Question 11 Your psychology professor asks a student volunteer to concentrate on eating an apple and then describe the individual elements of that experience. Your professor is demonstrating the technique of _______, which is a technique used by investigators of ________.

Question 12 Which of the following does NOT belong?

Question 13 All but which of the following are cognitive factors that influence behavior?

Question 14 A researcher adhering to the psychodynamic perspective would likely believe that depression

Question 15 Who is the only African American to have served as president of the American Psychological Association?

Question 16 Your dog is demonstrating some unacceptable behavior. You are able to go back in time to talk to one of the pioneers of psychology. Who would be the best choice to help with your problem?

Question 17 In researching a report on John Watson, which of the following search terms would yield the best results?

Question 18 Developmental psychologist Arthur Chang watches children in a daycare center through a one­way mirror. Chang is utilizing which form of research?

Question 19 Which of the following relationships would most likely have the weakest correlation?

Question 20 Which of the following is the newest movement in contemporary psychology?

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