PSYC 101 quiz 3 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 3 complete solution correct answers key

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Chapter 3

Question 1 Regarding color blindness, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 2 The basis of the place theory of pitch detection is that pitch is determined by the place along the _______ that vibrates the most.

Question 3 Difference thresholds are determined by a constant fraction of the magnitude of the original stimulus. This is the premise of

Question 4 Humans can hear frequencies between about ______ cycles per second.

Question 5 Joseph has been assisting the team doctor in his treatment of relatively minor but painful injuries for his football team. The doctor has carefully instructed Joseph to alternate between applying hot compresses and cold packs to the injured area. This treatment may be effective because both heat and cold send competing messages through the spinal cord that may temporarily block pain messages. This technique is known as

Question 6 Regarding vision, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 7 Which sense is especially effective at stimulating emotional memories?

Question 8 Limiting attention to certain stimuli and filtering out other stimuli is called

Question 9 Compared to people with average taste sensitivity, people who are “supertasters” have

Question 10 Red, green, and blue­violet light can be combined to create any color of the spectrum. This has been interpreted as supporting

Question 11 When you are presented with the following visual information, “A,” your brain sees a series of lines and angles in a particular format and interprets this visual information as the letter “A.” This is an example of which concept from perception?

Question 12 In human audition, the vibration of the ossicles is triggered by vibration of the _____ and transmitted directly to the ______.

Question 13 Signal detection theory predicts all but which of the following?

Question 14 Felicia is nearly hit by a car while crossing the street. Even though it is nearly dark and the colors of the cars appear faded, she tells the police officer it was definitely a blue car. Felicia’s experience is an example of ______.

Question 15 Depth cues that require the use of both eyes are called

Question 16 The process of sensation enables us to _________, where the process of perception enables us to _________.

Question 17 All of the following are basic tastes EXCEPT

Question 18 Evelyn walks past the cafe, which is emitting odors of fresh­brewed coffee. Evelyn smells the odors, and her brain tells her she wants a cup of the delicious brew. Which of the following is responsible for carrying impulses from odor receptors in Evelyn’s nose to her brain?

Question 19 Regarding the sensation of sound, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 20 The existence of afterimages provides support for the ________ theory of color vision.


Question 1 Pheromones play a role in which of the following animal behaviors?

Question 2 If you hold a round plate in your hand and turn it from side to side, the image it casts on your retina changes. Yet you still perceive the plate to be round. This phenomenon can be explained by the principle of

Question 3 Which of the following is an example of the depth cue of relative clarity?

Question 4 Among pitch theories, place theory best explains _______ frequency sounds, frequency theory best explains ______ frequency sounds, and volley principle best explains ______ frequency sounds.

Question 5 Dr. Rhoden conducts animal experiments on visual perception. Rhoden wants to stop the animal’s pupil from changing size, so he paralyzes the

Question 6 All of the following are basic tastes EXCEPT

Question 7 Rico is shown the following stimulus: X. When asked what he sees, Rico reports that he sees two intersecting lines rather than saying he sees four separate lines. Rico’s response demonstrates which Gestalt principle?

Question 8 People who only see in black and white are called

Question 9 Regarding the sense of smell, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 10 Regarding figure­ground perception, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Question 11 Jack has the most common form of color blindness. What type of color blindness does he have?

Question 12 Regarding vision, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 13 In human audition, the vibration of the ossicles is triggered by vibration of the _____ and transmitted directly to the ______.

Question 14 To see a dimly lit object at night, the image must fall on your

Question 15 Dr. Dawson’s research program is concerned with how a person’s experience changes as the intensity of a sound is increased. Dawson is studying

Question 16 In human hearing, the auditory receptors are _____ and approximately ______ are in each ear.

Question 17 Which sense is especially effective at stimulating emotional memories?

Question 18 The perception of stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious awareness is called

Question 19 Salvador is a stage magician. As part of his act, Salvador identifies the written contents of a sealed envelope. This aspect of Salvador’s performance is called

Question 20 Which of the following is FALSE regarding sensory receptors?


Question 1 Rico is shown the following stimulus: X. When asked what he sees, Rico reports that he sees two intersecting lines rather than saying he sees four separate lines. Rico’s response demonstrates which Gestalt principle?

Question 2 The text discusses ______ types of perceptual constancy and they are ______.

Question 3 Salvador is a stage magician. As part of his act, Salvador identifies the written contents of a sealed envelope. This aspect of Salvador’s performance is called

Question 4 Trichromatic theory suggests that

Question 5 Which of the following absolute thresholds for taste is correct?

Question 6 The idea that the threshold for sensing a stimulus depends not only on the properties of the stimulus itself but on the level of background stimulation, as well as characteristics of the perceiver, is explained by

Question 7 Depth cues that require the use of both eyes are called

Question 8 Neurons that respond to specific characteristics of the visual stimulus are called

Question 9 Dustin suffers from chronic back pain as the result of an old injury. Any time he is required to sit for long periods, he makes sure to bring a music player into the treatment room with him, because he has found that listening to his favorite music helps him cope with the pain. Dustin is using the pain control technique of

Question 10 The tendency to perceive properties of an object as remaining the same despite changes in its retinal image is called

Question 11 Regarding light and vision, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 12 The minimal difference between two stimuli that people can reliably detect is the

Question 13 Sebastian’s eyeball is shorter than normal. Light from nearby objects is focused behind his retina instead of on his retina. What condition does Sebastian have?

Question 14 Receptor cells for which sense regenerate within a week to 10 days?

Question 15 Dr. Halpern tells his graduate student, Dwight, that he’ll need to deliver the lecture in Halpern’s psychology class today. When Halpern tells him that the lecture is on olfaction, Dwight knows he’ll be talking about which sense?

Question 16 When sensory systems become less sensitive to unchanging stimuli, it is called

Question 17 Regarding the skin senses, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 18 Regarding cross­cultural research on visual perception, which of the following has been found?

Question 19 In a research experiment, participants are shown a series of drawings before seeing an ambiguous picture that could be perceived as a rat or a man. Group 1 sees drawings of animals, while Group 2 sees drawings of humans. Perceptual set suggests which of the following results when participants are shown the ambiguous picture?

Question 20 When you are watching a movie, what type of apparent movement gives you the perception of a “moving picture”?


Question 1 Depth cues that require the use of both eyes are called

Question 2 When you are presented with the following visual information, “A,” your brain sees a series of lines and angles in a particular format and interprets this visual information as the letter “A.” This is an example of which concept from perception?

Question 3 Regarding the sensation of sound, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 4 Dr. Barrington is a cross­cultural researcher in the field of perception. She tests two groups of people to determine their susceptibility to the Müller­Lyer illusion. Group 1 consists of Americans, while Group 2 consists of members of the African tribe of Zulus. Generalizing from previous research, what will Barrington find?

Question 5 An object that reflects primarily long wavelength light would most stimulate which category of cone?

Question 6 Joseph has been assisting the team doctor in his treatment of relatively minor but painful injuries for his football team. The doctor has carefully instructed Joseph to alternate between applying hot compresses and cold packs to the injured area. This treatment may be effective because both heat and cold send competing messages through the spinal cord that may temporarily block pain messages. This technique is known as

Question 7 Even though two lines are of equal length, the one with outward pointing wings looks longer than the one with inward pointing wings. This is an example of the

Question 8 According to Weber’s Law, a person would be most sensitive to changes in which sensation?

Question 9 In the process of perception, the brain

Question 10 Graduate student Shalanda Huffman studies how physical sources of stimulation relate to the physical experience of these stimuli. Huffman’s field of study is called

Question 11 Regarding pheromones, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 12 Regarding light and vision, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 13 Humans can hear frequencies between about ______ cycles per second.

Question 14 Regarding the absolute and difference thresholds, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 15 All of the following senses go through the thalamus on the way to the cortex EXCEPT

Question 16 For the sharpest vision, the image of an object should be focused on the

Question 17 In the process of sensation, the sensory receptors

Question 18 Dustin suffers from chronic back pain as the result of an old injury. Any time he is required to sit for long periods, he makes sure to bring a music player into the treatment room with him, because he has found that listening to his favorite music helps him cope with the pain. Dustin is using the pain control technique of

Question 19 Grouping disconnected pieces of information into a meaningful whole describes the Gestalt principle of

Question 20 Receptors for which of the following are located deepest in the skin?


Question 1 The smallest amount of a stimulus that a person can reliably detect is called

Question 2 Which of the following describes the pupil?

Question 3 A foreign object has entered Kiara’s eye, leaving a scratch. The part of Kiara’s eye that is affected is her

Question 4 Jack has the most common form of color blindness. What type of color blindness does he have?

Question 5 In a research experiment, participants are shown a series of drawings before seeing an ambiguous picture that could be perceived as a rat or a man. Group 1 sees drawings of animals, while Group 2 sees drawings of humans. Perceptual set suggests which of the following results when participants are shown the ambiguous picture?

Question 6 Red, green, and blue­violet light can be combined to create any color of the spectrum. This has been interpreted as supporting

Question 7 Joseph has been assisting the team doctor in his treatment of relatively minor but painful injuries for his football team. The doctor has carefully instructed Joseph to alternate between applying hot compresses and cold packs to the injured area. This treatment may be effective because both heat and cold send competing messages through the spinal cord that may temporarily block pain messages. This technique is known as

Question 8 The vestibular sensory system includes

Question 9 Rico is shown the following stimulus: X. When asked what he sees, Rico reports that he sees two intersecting lines rather than saying he sees four separate lines. Rico’s response demonstrates which Gestalt principle?

Question 10 Which of the following suggests that pitch detection is coded by combining frequencies of neurons firing in alternate succession?

Question 11 Receptor cells for which sense regenerate within a week to 10 days?

Question 12 About what percentage of people are “supertasters”?

Question 13 All but which of the following are suggested by opponent­-process theory?

Question 14 When Harold first enters his swimming pool, the water feels uncomfortably cold. Five minutes later, it feels comfortable to Harold. This is an example of

Question 15 A psychologist Dr. Shonda Romblay is conducting an experiment to determine how different intensities of light affect the sensations these stimuli produce. The field of study she is exploring is called

Question 16 Salvador is a stage magician. As part of his act, Salvador identifies the written contents of a sealed envelope. This aspect of Salvador’s performance is called

Question 17 A recipe requires 10 grams of salt. According to Weber’s constant for saltiness, which is 1/5, how much more salt must a chef add to make the recipe noticeably saltier?

Question 18 Other factors being equal, which sensory stimulus is least likely to lead to sensory adaptation?

Question 19 Difference thresholds are determined by a constant fraction of the magnitude of the original stimulus. This is the premise of

Question 20 Some birds must return to roost as darkness approaches. This is because their eyes contain

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