PSYC 101 quiz 8 complete solution correct answers key

Liberty University PSYC 101 quiz 8 complete solutions correct answers key

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Chapter 8

Question 1 Which brain structure might best be described as an “emotional computer”?

Question 2 Regarding stimulus motives, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 3 Positive psychology focuses on _____.

Question 4 The body’s downward adjustment of metabolic rate during times of famine is explained by which of the following theories?

Question 5 Dr. Diaz is a researcher studying emotions. Specifically, Diaz is interested in the behavioral expression of emotions. Her research program could involve any of the following EXCEPT

Question 6 Who is a major researcher in the study of need for achievement?

Question 7 Each of the following is identified in the text as a factor in obesity EXCEPT

Question 8 Which of the following words is/are derived from the Latin movere, meaning “to move”?

Question 9 Regarding obesity, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 10 LaDonna experiences a state of biological tension because she is hungry. Her hunger motivates her to stop at the local deli after class. Which theory best explains LaDonna’s choice to go to the deli?

Question 11 Display rules refer to

Question 12 Who conducted research suggesting that humans and many other animals have basic needs for exploration and activity?

Question 13 Emotional intelligence is best defined as _____.

Question 14 Stephen has a low need for achievement. Generalizing from research, we would predict that Stephen will set goals that are

Question 15 Motivation includes factors that _______ goal­directed behavior.

Question 16 In an effort to increase her happiness, college student Stacy Hinson tries an exercise described in her psychology class. She spends time visualizing a person who had a huge effect on her life—someone she never thanked. Stacy then spends about a week writing a testimonial to that person and then follows up by calling on the person and sharing her thoughts with the person. Which of Seligman’s happiness exercises is Stacy trying?

Question 17 In motivation theories, psychosocial needs are also known as

Question 18 According to research reported in your textbook, Japanese people may report an unpleasant feeling of indebtedness to others, which is known as _____.

Question 19 Terry is described as having extrinsic motivation for the achievement of his goals. This means that Terry

Question 20 Quentin has a strong need to excel at whatever he does. Quentin’s need is called need for


Question 1 What are the basic emotions that people throughout the world seem to be able to identify through facial expressions?

Question 2 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has how many levels?

Question 3 Empathy is most likely to play a role in which aspect of emotional intelligence?

Question 4 In motivation theories, psychosocial needs are also known as

Question 5 Even though Fabiola does not need a new dress, she buys one because she really feels drawn toward it. This is an example of

Question 6 Which of the following is a secondary drive?

Question 7 The technical name for a lie detector test is a(n)

Question 8 Bulimia nervosa

Question 9 What is a Duchenne smile?

Question 10 Anne and Norman were both offered a promotion. Anne willingly accepted the promotion offer because she felt it would help her be successful in her career, while Norman refused to accept it because he was afraid he would be unsuccessful. Which motivational concept(s) are Anne and Norman demonstrating?

Question 11 According to the text, severely obese people have about______ fat cells.

Question 12 Women are generally better at recognizing _____, whereas men are generally better at recognizing _____.

Question 13 The set point theory of obesity suggests that

Question 14 Which theorist(s) formulated the dual­pathway model of fear?

Question 15 Terry is described as having extrinsic motivation for the achievement of his goals. This means that Terry

Question 16 Which theorists supported instinct theory?

Question 17 The instinct theory of human motivation was replaced by the

Question 18 Regarding achievement motivation, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 19 In drive theory, biological drives are also known as

Question 20 Homeostasis is the basis for which theory of motivation?


Question 1 Complex feeling states having physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components are called

Question 2 According to set point theory, when people lose weight

Question 3 Which of the following approaches to weight loss leads to the highest rate of long­term success?

Question 4 Mrs. Taylor has two new immigrant girls in her fourth­grade class: Soledad from Mexico and Li­Hua from China. Should she expect the two to differ in how they display emotion?

Question 5 Your text suggests all of the following ways for controlling anger that you may experience in relating to others’ lives EXCEPT _____.

Question 6 Vonda is exceptionally skilled at perceiving emotions in others, which is an important element of emotional intelligence. Vonda has a high level of

Question 7 What does a polygraph test measure?

Question 8 The technical name for a lie detector test is a(n)

Question 9 The set point theory of obesity suggests that

Question 10 The body’s downward adjustment of metabolic rate during times of famine is explained by which of the following theories?

Question 11 Ramona had a stroke that damaged her ventromedial hypothalamus. Generalizing from animal research, you might expect Ramona to

Question 12 What is the typical sequencing of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy?

Question 13 Which theorists supported instinct theory?

Question 14 Generalizing from Zuckerman’s research on sensation seeking, which of the following statements best describes a sensation­seeker?

Question 15 Driving along a dark, rural road, Norma sees a deer jump across the road in front of her. Norma experiences physiological arousal, her heart pounding and her hands trembling. Norma realizes that she is aroused and says, “I’m terrified.” This characterization of Norma’s emotional experience is most consistent with which theoretical model of emotion?

Question 16 Which of the following is not one of the six universally recognized emotional expressions?

Question 17 Positive psychology focuses on _____.

Question 18 Which of the following is NOT an argument against instinct theory for human behavior?

Question 19 Based on research cited in the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 20 The desire to steer clear of failure is called


Question 1 What is a Duchenne smile?

Question 2 Display rules refer to

Question 3 Empathy is most likely to play a role in which aspect of emotional intelligence?

Question 4 The amygdala _____.

Question 5 Shelby, an avid bird watcher, explains that birds build nests because that is their nature. Shelby advocates ________ theory.

Question 6 LaDonna experiences a state of biological tension because she is hungry. Her hunger motivates her to stop at the local deli after class. Which theory best explains LaDonna’s choice to go to the deli?

Question 7 The hippocampus is involved in processing information relating to the context of _____.

Question 8 The physiological component of an emotional experience involves _____.

Question 9 The instinct theory of human motivation was replaced by the

Question 10 When Walter’s blood sugar dips, he becomes hungry. He eats, and then he is no longer hungry—his body is back in balance. This balancing is an example of

Question 11 Regarding Maslow’s theory of motivation, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 12 In contrast to the lateral hypothalamus, stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus

Question 13 Regarding research on restaurant portion sizes reported in the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Question 14 Your text suggests all of the following ways for controlling anger that you may experience in relating to others’ lives EXCEPT _____.

Question 15 Based on research cited in the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 16 Which of the following is NOT an argument against instinct theory for human behavior?

Question 17 Anne and Norman were both offered a promotion. Anne willingly accepted the promotion offer because she felt it would help her be successful in her career, while Norman refused to accept it because he was afraid he would be unsuccessful. Which motivational concept(s) are Anne and Norman demonstrating?

Question 18 Maslow referred to the need to fulfill one’s own unique potential as the need for

Question 19 According to the text, the most widely studied psychosocial need is the need for

Question 20 All but which of the following are common medical complications arising from bulimia?


Question 1 Nervous system activation is reflected most directly in which component of emotions?

Question 2 The technical name for a lie detector test is a(n)

Question 3 Of the following emotions Ken experiences, which is most likely to be processed in his right prefrontal cortex?

Question 4 Who is a major researcher in the study of need for achievement?

Question 5 Regarding sources of motivation, self­gratification is to ______ as money is to ______.

Question 6 Which of the following is not one of the six universally recognized emotional expressions?

Question 7 Mrs. Taylor has two new immigrant girls in her fourth­grade class: Soledad from Mexico and Li­Hua from China. Should she expect the two to differ in how they display emotion?

Question 8 After not having eaten for a while, blood sugar _______ and fat cells ________.

Question 9 Which hormone do scientists believe works on the hypothalamus to stimulate appetite and eating?

Question 10 What is an instinct?

Question 11 Shelby, an avid bird watcher, explains that birds build nests because that is their nature. Shelby advocates ________ theory.

Question 12 The physiological component of an emotional experience involves _____.

Question 13 Curlee has a good ability to recognize emotions in herself and in others. She is also able to effectively manage her emotions. Curlee appears to have high levels of

Question 14 Of the following factors, which is most likely to be linked to personal happiness?

Question 15 The two­factor theory of emotion suggests that emotions

Question 16 Regarding stimulus motives, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Question 17 Generalizing from Zuckerman’s research on sensation seeking, which of the following statements best describes a sensation­seeker?

Question 18 In drive theory, biological drives are also known as

Question 19 Empathy is most likely to play a role in which aspect of emotional intelligence?

Question 20 Joshua’s cerebral cortex is involved in all but which of the following emotional experiences?

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