
Question 1 of 40 4.0 Points
According to the list of psychiatric disorders provided in the DSM-IV-TR PowerPoint material, a Mood Disorder is diagnosed on:
A. Axis I

B. Axis II

C. Axis IV

D. Axis VI
Question 2 of 40 4.0 Points
The psychometric term ‘reliability’ refers to:
A. being consistent in your actions

B. consistency of measurement

C. dependability of a test

D. punctuality

Question 3 of 40 4.0 Points
The statistical concept of psychopathology holds that:
A. infrequently occurring behaviors in a society are normal

B. frequently occurring behaviors in a society are considered normal.

C. constructs of psychopathology are considered valid across cultures

D. frequently occurring behaviors in a society might be considered abnormal

Question 4 of 40 4.0 Points
The bio-medical model of psychopathology emphasizes the use of:
A. phrenology

B. meridian tapping

C. spinal tapping

D. a classification system

Question 5 of 40 4.0 Points
Schizophrenia is classified in the DSM-IV on:

A. Axis II

B. Axis III
C. Axis IV
D. Axis I

Question 6 of 40 4.0 Points
The psychometric term ‘validity’ refers to
A. accurate inferences

B. current

C. unexpired

D. statistical significance

Question 7 of 40 4.0 Points
The pscyhometric term ‘treatment utility’ refers to:
A. the contribution to known information

B. descriptive validity of a text

C. contribution to improved treatment outcomes
D. high correlations with similar instruments

Question 8 of 40 4.0 Points
In clinical practice ________________ interviews are used, while____________interviews are used in research

A. structured; structured

B. unstructured; structured

C. reliable; valid

D. semistructured; semistructured

Question 9 of 40 4.0 Points
A problem with projective techniques is:
A. you can’t tell the future

B. scoring is difficult

C. normative data is used

D. everything in our inner world originates with our maternal relationships

Question 10 of 40 4.0 Points
Assessing psychopathology is fraught with potential bias and error.
A. True

B. False

Question 11 of 40 4.0 Points
According to the text authors, substance abuse claims ________________lives each year.




Question 12 of 40 4.0 Points
According to Bowlby, as cited in the journal article for Forum 3, the earliest working models:
A. are formed while a fetus

B. are formed during adolescence

C. are in response to employers

D. are in response to interactions with significant caregivers

Question 13 of 40 4.0 Points
Drug abuse in women who report a history of sexual assault is ______ times higher than in women who do not.




Question 14 of 40 4.0 Points
According to research findings there is a relationship between childhood attachment and later:
A. antisocial personality disorder

B. schizophrenia

C. bipolar disorder

D. delusional disorder

Question 15 of 40 4.0 Points
In the journal article assigned to Forum 1, the authors assert that they were able to make conclusions about treatment in the managed care group.


Question 16 of 40 4.0 Points
The purpose of the Minami et al. study that is center of Forum 1, was to evaluate the effectiveness of TAU’s delivered in a managed healthcare organization by means of a strategy.

Question 17 of 40 4.0 Points
According to Mittal and Walker (2007), neurocircuitry implicated in psychotic symptoms may be shared by:
A. circuits controlling heart rate

B. circuits controlling hearing

C. circuits controlling speech

D. circuits controlling dyskinetic movement

Question 18 of 40 4.0 Points
Consistent with the Mitall and Walker (2007 findings, the group that converted to Axis I psychosis exhibited significantly more movement in:
A. knee jerking motions

B. feet and lower legs

C. ears and head hair

D. face and upper body

Question 19 of 40 4.0 Points
According to the authors of the journal article for Forum 3, recipients of social support are often:

A. sometimes worse off

B. much happier

C. very pleased

D. none of the above

Question 20 of 40 4.0 Points
According to the journal article for Forum 3, recipients of social support may experience:
A. lowered self-esteem

B. feelings of indebtedness

C. receiving the wrong kind of support
D. all of the above

Question 21 of 40 4.0 Points
The authors of the journal article for Forum 3 hypothesize:
A. having secure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from providing instrumental support during adolescence
B. having secure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from instrumental support in adulthood
C. having secure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from emotional support in adulthood
D. having insecure attachment history with parents causes one to benefit from emotional support in adulthood
Question 22 of 40 4.0 Points
Along with personal denial, ____________________ is also a barrier to woment entering treatment for substance abuse.
A. abstract behavior

B. spousal support

C. familial denial

D. None of the above
Question 23 of 40 4.0 Points
Genetic factors contributing to substance abuse and addiction are easily separated from environmental influences.

A. True

B. False

Question 24 of 40 4.0 Points
There are 3 agonists approved by the FDA for use in the U.S. in the treatment of opiate dependence.
A. True

B. False

Question 25 of 40 4.0 Points
Controlled drinking consists of:


B. a good startle response

C. a particular response

D. having shots

Question 26 of 40 4.0 Points
Mood disorders occur twice as often in men than in women.

A. True

B. False

Question 27 of 40 4.0 Points
Autistic children may have _________ of anterior areas of the brain and ___________ of posterior areas.

A. overgrowth; undergrowth

B. undergrowth; overgrowth

C. undergrowth; undergrowth
D. overgrowth; overgrowth

Question 28 of 40 4.0 Points
An individual who hears voices, reflects feelings of persecution, and with flattened affect may be diagnosed as:

A. diabolical schizoid

B. paranoid schizophrenic

C. schizotypal

D. delusional disordered

Question 29 of 40 4.0 Points
The quality of maternal care may affect the development of the _______________________ system.

A. anxiety response

B. thyroid

C. pituitary-adrenal

D. limbic

Question 30 of 40 4.0 Points
The connection between cognitive science and cognitive therapy is well established.

A. True

B. False

Question 31 of 40 4.0 Points
A biological signal involving both chemical reactions and electrical shifts is called:

A. axon

B. neuropathway development
C. psychopathology

D. action potential

Question 32 of 40 4.0 Points
Cognitive-behaioralists assert maladaptive behavior is the result of the way we ________________ and ____________________.

A. process data; respond to the environment
B. process information; perceive ourselves

C. perceive others; process stimulii

D.perceive ourselves; perceive others

Question 33 of 40 4.0 Points
A neurostransmitter involved in reinforcement and chemical addiction is dopamine.

A. True

B. False

Question 34 of 40 4.0 Points
Central to the study of psychopathology is a definition of _____________________.

A. a counselor

B. psychology

C. society

D. culture

Question 35 of 40 4.0 Points
The goal of cognitive therapy is to:

A. identify negative cognitions
B. test negative cognitions

C. develop new schemas

D. all of the above

Question 36 of 40 4.0 Points
Beck’s cognitive therapy is now well-established, effective treatment for depression.

A. True

B. False

Question 37 of 40 12.0 Points
Provide a synopsis of the controversy over the inclusion and exclusion of particular paraphilias in the DSM. Include your opinion. Be sure to elaborate with scholarly presentation, style and argument.

Question 38 of 40 20.0 Points
What are the advantages and limitations of viewing addictive behavior as diseases? As learned behaviors? As immoral and sinful? (450-600 words). Elaborate.

Question 39 of 40 20.0 Points

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing specific illicit substances? Provide a response that goes beyond personal opinion.(450-600 words) Elaborate.

Question 40 of 40 4.0 Points
Eating disorders may derive from a fear of fatness.

A. True

B. False