Psychology Theory

This assignment is a paper and it has 3 parts:

Part 1
Using Gelso (2006), Harlow (2009), Stam, H. (2007, 2010), Wacker (1999), and five
additional peer-reviewed articles from the I/O Pyschology specialization, discuss scholarly views on the
nature and types of theory. Compare and contrast at least three views of what constitutes a
theory, including the view to be used in Part 3 of this question. Be sure to distinguish
theory from related concepts, such as hypothesis, paradigm, model, and concept.

Part 2
Using Ellis & Levy (2008), Harlow, E. (2009), and five additional peer-reviewed articles,
review the scholarly literature on the relationship between theory and research and the
ways research (quantitative and qualitative) can contribute to theory. Discuss at least three
ways research can contribute to theory.

Part 3
Using current articles (no older than 5 years ago) fofr one of the theories identified in Part 1, select at least 10 published, peer-reviewed research articles, and:
1. Explain how the theory adds or may add to our understanding of your field and/or
research topic.
2. Discuss and analyze the literature on two areas of controversy or unanswered questions
related to the theory.

The structure of your paper should be as follows:
Body (10-15 pages, no more or less; APA Style; use appropriate headings for organization
of the paper)
References (APA Style)