Psychosocial Assessment

Assignment Requirements: Case Study


Based off of information provided in the BioPsychoSocial Assessment (attached) please address the following:

A. Presentation of case information (without revealing the diagnosis) 10% 2-3 pages
B. DSM-IV-TR multi-axial diagnosis. Justify your reasons for selecting each diagnostic category and GAF score. 30% 1-2 pages. Describe the type of additional information that would be necessary for making a valid diagnosis. This should include a discussion of the historical treatments/interventions to the disorder 5% � page
C. Discuss the historical the historical treatments/interventions to the disorder then move into a discussion of risk and resilience assessment for both the onset (10%) and the course (10%) of the disorder. For this discussion you may use tables with the inclusion of a paragraph summary
D. Strengths-based assessment techniques, including exception-finding, developing a future without the problem, and building motivation 10% 1 page
E. Provide information on contemporary responses and evidence this will serve as the base of your Treatment plan based on diagnosis, risk and resilience assessment, and treatment. 20% 1 page
F. Critique of diagnosis. (5%) � to 1 page
G. Provide a minimum of 15 references 10 of which must be from peer reviewed journals
H. Discuss the implications for special populations

There must be an Abstract and Introduction


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