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ENGL 2230 Public Speaking and Group Discussion: please answer must be answered in one page, which means 7 questions, 7 pages, thank you
1) Just now you have seen (once again) President Reagan’s address to the nation concerning the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster (video on YouTube). We have talked in our class about rhetorical criticism, a systematic effort to reveal how words work in a discourse and we have also talked about audience analysis and adaptation as essential components of public speaking. Analyze Reagan’s address using any and all information you like from Chapters 1-6. Exam the situation, the speaker, word choice, metaphor, and especially the audience of that day. Was this a successful speech? Why or why not?
2) Without question approaches to public speaking have radically changed from the early part of the 20th century to the early part of the 21st. How many changes can you outline? How have they affected the way in which we communicate? What do you anticipate for the future? Some argue that mass and social media bring with them the end of personal communication and face to face contact. Do you agree? What do you think we may see regarding communication developments in the early 22nd century? (Yes, I know this last part is speculative but I am generally interested in your predictive abilities.)
3) Audience Analysis and Adaptation is one of the most important yet difficult parts of the public speaking field. As we saw in class, the student body presents one such demographic that can be challenging and intriguing. Drawing upon chapter five, and using whatever your independent research reveals, show me specifically how you might analyze and adapt to college students in the East Coast v. the West Coast. Feel free to hypothesize to whatever extent necessary. Be sure to utilize at least 5-7 media resources to document your discussion and come up with a “name” for the East v. West demographic – i.e. what would each be called?
4) Discuss the importance of understanding intercultural issues when it comes to Public Speaking. In your research be sure to specifically document three examples of individuals or companies, domestically or internationally, who adapted well in dealing with the new challenges culture brings and three who did poorly (6 in all).
5) Demonstrate your mastery of the “Motivated Sequence,” pick a topic for a persuasive speech, and explain the approach you might take for three different audiences. Be sure to give examples for each of the five stages of the model and include a specific call to action in your plan.
6) Assess the status of the major speech you have coming up. What is your topic? State three major points you intend to address: these must be clear, interesting, and specifically appropriate to the subject. Who is your primary audience? Are there any other listeners and if so how will you adapt your speech to them? State the thesis of your speech in a single sentence. Write an impressive opening line and conclusion. List the resources you have used thus far, assess their credibility, regency, and utility. Explain what motivated you take on this topic and demonstrate the significance of the subject you chose.