Qualitative Research – Philosophical Assumptions

Case Assignment

In the first case assignment, you will examine a study that reports on the contribution of qualitative studies in the current body of knowledge about “the influence of teachers’ qualifications on their teaching practice.” In this article you should be able to identify characteristics of qualitative research, as well as some of the philosophical assumptions that underlie qualitative research.

Please read the following article by Kennedy (2008) before you proceed:

Kennedy, M. (2008). Contributions of qualitative research to research on teacher qualifications. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (30)4, 344-368. Retrieved May 2012 from https://www.msu.edu/user/mkennedy/publications/docs/Teacher%20Ed/QD%20on%20TQ/Kennedy%2008%20EEPA.pdf

Your task:

Write a 2 page essay in which you :

1. critically reflect on the “characteristics” of qualitative research, and then discuss those specific traits that contributed to the current body of knowledge on “research on teacher qualifications” in the Kennedy (2008) article above.

2. discuss the “philosophical perspectives” in qualitative research that are evident in the Kennedy (2008) article above.

3. demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion.

Hint: Be careful to review the modular objectives and address them in your response.

Assignment expectations:

Use in-text references from the readings betond this article to substantiate the points that you make in the paper. It should be evident that you are able to apply your understanding of the characteristics of qualitative research, and the philosophical perspectives on qualitative research to discuss and analyze the Kennedy (2008) article.

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