Assignment Requirements


I only need to answer the Question 1.
1. The le Ass3.txt contains 20 years of data on two
rms, being General Motors and
US Steel. There are three columns of data, with the rst column recording the gross
investment in plant and equipment, the second column being the value of the rm
as measured by the value of common and preferred stock, and the third column
measuring the stock of capital. The rst 20 rows of data relate to General Motors
and the remaining 20 are for US Steel.

Only need to do Question 1.

The Data you need to use:

%Order of data is General Motors, US Steel

% INV     V       K

317.6 3078.5     2.8

391.8 4661.7   52.6

410.6 5387.1   156.9

257.7 2792.2   209.2

330.8 4313.2   203.4

461.2 4643.9   207.2

512.0 4551.2   255.2

448.0 3244.1   303.7

499.6 4053.7   264.1

547.5 4379.3   201.6

561.2 4840.9   265.0

688.1 4900.9   402.2

568.9 3526.5   761.5

529.2 3254.7   922.4

555.1 3700.2 1020.1

642.9 3755.6 1099.0

755.9 4833.0 1207.7

891.2 4924.9 1430.5

1304.4 6241.7 1777.3

1486.7 5593.6 2226.3

209.9 1362.4   53.8

355.3 1807.1   50.5

469.9 2676.3   118.1

262.3 1801.9   260.2

230.4 1957.3   312.7

361.6 2202.9   254.2

472.8 2380.5   261.4

445.6 2168.6   298.7

361.6 1985.1  301.8

288.2 1813.9   279.1

258.7 1850.2   213.8

420.3 2067.7   232.6

420.5 1796.7   264.8

494.5 1625.8   306.9

405.1 1667.0   351.1

418.8 1677.4   357.8

588.2 2289.5   342.1

645.2 2159.4   444.2

641.0 2031.3   623.6

459.3 2115.5   669.7


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