1. Students will read an overview of a topic of their choosing, then formulate a “researchable question” that emerges from their reading. Consult the following page, Writing a Good Research Question from Vanderbilt for assistance with formulating a research question.
2. Students will use the BC library to compile a working MLA Works Cited page for two possible sources of information on their research question (one book and one journal). Students should also do a Google search and find one appropriate and credible resource that is a website. For help citing your sources, see The Purdue Online Writing Lab’s MLA Formatting and Style Guide. For help with assessing Internet sources see the University of Illinois’ Tips and Tricks for Evaluating Web sites.
3. Students will write a three-sentence summary for each of the three sources (one book, one journal, and one website). The chosen sources should present different points of view on the topic and relate to the student’s research question. Students should paraphrase and cite the sources appropriately using MLA formatting.