Research Methods-Coursework

Order Description

Part A
(1) Quantitative Analysis
–    For the auction you have been assigned, quantitatively describe the auction results using the tools you have learnt in the Research Methods unit
–    Analyse and interpret your findings.
(2) Qualitative Analysis
Part B
–    Consider how a qualitative analysis might enable you to contextualise the auction you have been assigned and its results
–    Provide a brief research plan of the qualitative methods you would use to further your understanding of these auction results and why they were achieved.
Select at least one other auction (of your choice) to compare with your assigned auction and complete the following:
(3) Comparative Analysis
– – – –
Compete Sections 1 and 2 on the subsequent auction(s) as with your first auction Analyse and discuss the auctions in relation to each other Consider how your findings have changed in the light of the comparative analysis Justify your choices throughout

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