Research paper

Do the lab report for a experimental psychology class. Attention the instructions are attached Do not write the abstract page and the title page. Just like the first lab report the wrote for me. Order ID: #484449572 Write a lap report from the research that is attach here with an APA style.(Am attaching where it should be done with all the lab results.) The lab results research papers should be compared with the article review attached here too. Intro (2 – 3 pgs.) 1. Introducing topic – establishing that it’s a problem, that students cheat and people do “bad” things (Prevalence of Antisocial behavior results from Wowra). Theoretical backing – Wowra, developed two potential explanations for the relationships which he termed the SAH and the MIH, including defining terms, academic dishonesty, social anxiety and moral identity (principled and expedient). 2. Previous Research Studies that indirectly support the hypotheses 3. Introducing the current study and research quest