Assign #2 Behavior Management
Create a 30 minute schedule for your choice of 2 & 3 year olds or 4 & 5 year olds or 6-8 year olds using few words and substituting pictograms. Examples of schedules can be for using the rest room, morning routines, physical exercises, clean up time etc. The schedule can be for your own child, a student or a group of children whether you are a teacher or a teacher’s aid or a parent or a relative. See samples of pictograms which are stick figures portraying a child following directions in the schedule. How does your schedule discourage unwanted behavior and promote positive behavior?
Schedule broken down by 3-7 minute intervals for total of 30 min. 10pts
Specific age of child or children 5pts
Use of pictograms that children can understand (at that level) 5pts
Summary (how does it discourage or promote behaviors)20pts
Implementation of DAP in schedule 10pts Developmentally Appropriate Practice
No APA requirement