Scheduling Project Work

Read Texts 5 & 6 (files uploaded). Download and install ProjectLibre link: -Based on the CSS Project (file uploaded), answer the following: 1. Review the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) tabular form (file uploaded). In Word document, create a WBS tabular form that includes all tasks to be completed for the CSS project. 2. Review the Gantt Chart sample (file uploaded). Using the ProjectLibre, create a Gantt chart that identifies the schedule for the CSS project’s WBS tasks and indicates the interdependencies of those tasks. The schedule should be in the year 2017, from January to June and choose any days. Save your Gantt chart ProjectLibre file and upload it. Do not take screenshots. 3. In Word document, calculate the slack time of your Gantt Chart. Which task items are safe? 4. Which task items are on the critical path? 5. Which task items are most likely to suffer delays? 6. In 1 paragraph (6 sentences or more), what type of common delays may happen for the task items? 7. In 1 paragraph (6 sentences or more), what would happen if an aspect of the CSS project were delayed? Note: Do not plagiarize. Do not write introduction or conclusion. You can research on the Internet or books/journals.