Singapore Country Profile

Singapore Country Profile

The approach to take with this exercise is, suppose acompany is interested in doing business in the country that you are profiling.What would they need to know, using the parameters mentioned below. You CANNOTprofile the country in which you were born.
Based on 1- political/legal,2- economic,3- social/cultural and 4- technological (PEST-C) aspects AND Hofstede’s Country Characteristics, you will prepare a 5-7 pages (text) report with references(additional) done in APA format.
Hofsted means:
1-Power distance
2-Individualism versus Collectivism
3-Uncertainty avoidance
4-Masculinity versus femininity
5-Long-term versus short-term orientation
Be sure to identify each of the Hofstede Characteristics from his website that have been analyzed for your country. Define what each characteristic means. Describe how it applies to your country, and how it differs from Canada FOR EACH CHARACTERISTIC!

Identify a type of business that would be appropriate to operate in the country you have chosen to profile. Explain why it would be appropriate and how you would expect to establish that business in the country in question. You should be able to do this in 1 page.