Imagine the government has released funds for creating small businesses. You are interested in establishing a small business, and you must decide which of the four forms of business organization would best suit your unique product or service. Consider legal, tax, accounting, and other implications when selecting from the four business types.
Write a paper of no more than 1,250 words discussing your small-business idea. Include the following:
The advantages and disadvantages of the four different forms of business organization, which include the following:
Sole proprietorship
C corporation
S corporation
The different types of financial statements associated with each form of business organization
The following consequences associated with each form of business organization:
Tax implications
Legal implications
Accounting implications, such as SOX and FASB
An explanation of the unique product or service your small business provides
Your choice of business organization form for your new business
Your rationale for choosing this form of business organization
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.