Introduction PIV (Personal Intrinsic Value)
A regional soccer organization, with large top sport activity on a premier league amateur level – ranking in the middle bracket. It is a classical executive board constellation. The organization has one sponsor for the first team, small sponsoring for talent development and no sponsoring for other teams.
– The sport organization is losing its main sponsor
– The classical management constellation is too much based on mimetic isomorphing
– The trainers/coaches need new knowledge/inspiration to freshen up their skills
– The employees are worn out and no longer willing do the extra step
– The sport venue is old and not very appealing to the fans
– The finances are not transparent
– There is no new youth coming
– The national federation can no longer give support, it is struggling to stay afloat itself
– There is no focus policy, etc, etc, etc.
You step in as the new director being directly responsible for everything, because the board is only demanding and not very capable of adapting to the new situation.
Make change for the better.
Design a plan containing:
– 3 Houses for every department in the PIV
(She sees the ‘3 houses’ as a timeline of 3 years, it can also be 5. Nr. 1 is where you’re now and what you have and Nr. 3 (or 5) is where you want to be. She also said that “1/3 of the timespan you have to evaluate; you have to make a benchmark” and “use deliberate patterns of action”)
– Formulate a strategic leitmotif that will inspire the whole organization
– Design a change-plan
– Describe the critical success factors of your plan, etc, etc, etc.
Do all of this in the right order.
Describe also which Strategic Schools (from Mintzberg’s Ten Schools of Thought) have influenced you in your style of management and write this particle in a compact and comprehensive way. Make sure that it is not only mentioning chapters and headlines, but elaborate all well. This assignment needs a what, how, why and when, to be answered.