Spike Lee-Research paper

Choose a director that interests you and ensure that you view at least three of his or her films. Research the director and his or her work on the internet and in any books that you care to read. (I can make suggestions for you). Interviews with the directors themselves are particularly useful – Faber & Faber publish an outstanding series of interviews with several directors that are appropriate for this assignment. Remember that you must cite all references that you make to other people’s work.

o    At the very least, your paper should do the following:
o    -Briefly introduce the director that you have chosen.
o    -Discuss the films that you have viewed, paying particular attention to all of the creative production elements that we have covered in class (lighting, camerawork, production design, editing, performance, sound design and narrative structure).
o    -Investigate and discuss thematic and stylistic similarities across the films that you have viewed.
o    -Discuss the extent to which these similarities may be attributed to the director.

I am not looking for you to ‘answer a question’, but rather to discuss your research subject in a detailed, informed and enthusiastic manner. There is no right or wrong answers, but A-grade papers will be well written (with appropriate spell-checking and grammar checking), well researched, and will offer a range of supporting evidence from the texts to support their theses.

You will be graded according to the following criteria:

Evidence of research beyond class lectures and readings
Strength and development of thesis
Employment of effective textual evidence
Appropriate and correct use of film terminology
·         Accuracy of spelling and grammar