Standardized Procedure for a family Nurse Practitioner- Essay

Purpose of this activity is to prepare a standardized procedure for the management of a primary care problem ie RABIES on a nurse practioner program. Directions :prepare a disease specific standardized procedurefor the management of RABIES. The procedure is to be complete , current and include all the necessary elements specified by the BOARD OF REGISTERED NURSING.In preparing the Standardized procedure, consult the following Reference materials:
California Board of Registered Nursing. (1998). Explanation of RN scope of practice and nurse practitioner practice. Retrieved from 19.pdf

California Board of Registerd Nursing. (1998). Explanation of standardized procedure requirements for nurse practitioner practice (NPR-B-20). Retrieved from

California Board of Registered Nursing (2004). Frequently asked questions regarding nurse practitioner practice (NPR-I-25). Retrieved from

Uphold, C.R., & Graham, M.V.(2003). Clinical guidelines in family practice (4th ed. ) (pp934-937). Gainseville FL: Barmarrae Books.

Include a bibiliography, in APA 6th edition format including at least six citation from the journal literature from “2008 onwards”. And also please include the above given references.

Font size should Times New Roman, 12

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