Assignment Requirements
Given the theories of business strategy and tools available (Competitive advantage, Value chain Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter 5 Forces, Experience curve), illustrate your thoughts (in 2000 words) with specific examples from how business and military organizations can be aligned to achieve required output with greater efficiency.
I have uploaded three documents to pass on the writers you will select:
1. Strategic Management 2014 contains the syllabus and full assignment instructions and what is expected.
2. Strategic Management Presentation contains briefs we use in my class.
3. Strategic Plan is an example of how the u.s. military applies strategic management principles in their plans…should help your writer with ideas.
Bytheendofthecoursestudentsshouldhaveanunderstanding oftheseconcepts,suchthattheycanmakerecommendationsbasedonanalysisandconverseaboutbusinessstrategywithpeers,supervisors,consultants,andsuppliersinseniorpositions.
- Applytheconceptsandtoolsofstrategicmanagementtoidentifykeyissues,information andquestions;frameproblemsandarticulateunderlyingassumptions;recognizepatterns, influencersandpossibleoutcomesinmanagementsituations;andformulateandevaluatestrategicmanagementoptions.
- Recommendactionsbasedonstrategicanalysis,discusstheperformanceandethicalimplicationsofrecommendations,andapplythetools,concepts,andframeworksof strategicmanagementtodiagnoseorunderstandbusinessissuesthathavebeenorarelikelytobeexperiencedinapublicservicecareer.
- Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company’s top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization competes.
- Strategic management can depend upon the size of an organization, with larger firms typically using a more structured model than smaller firms.
- Analysis of internal factors (resources and capabilities) and external conditions (opportunities and/or threats) is important to crafting a strategy.
- Managers use the Five Forces model to help identify opportunities or evaluate decisions in the context of the environment. Often, the Five Forces are mapped against a SWOT analysis to develop a corporate strategy.
- There are several factors to assess in the external situation analysis:
ü Markets (customers)
ü Competition
ü Technology
ü Supplier markets
ü Labor markets
ü The economy
ü The regulatory environment
- Corporate strategy involves answering a key question from a portfolio perspective: “What business should we be in?” Business strategy involves answering the question: “How shall we compete in this business?”
- Both business and military organizations must adapt to change and constantly improve…Difference being Business strategy assumes competition while Military strategy assumes conflict
Given the theories of business strategy and tools available (Competitive advantage, Value chain Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter 5 Forces, Experience curve), illustrate your thoughts (in 2000 words) with specific examples from how business and military organizations can be aligned to achieve required output with greater efficiency.
Use the following references:
A reflection paper contains the following elements. These elements need not be written in this sequence, but your reflection should demonstrate these features:
- Orientation– Orient the reader by giving background on the experience on which you are reflecting,
including the context of the experience.
- Connections– Identify and articulate the most meaningful connections you had to the experience.
Describe any connections you made between your recent experience and previous experiences you
have had, between new ideas and previously held thinking, between your experience and your
teaching practice. How was this experience like or unlike something else you have done?
- Insights and Impacts– Describe the new understandings or insights you have gained through your
experience. What do you understand now that you didn’t before your experience? What do you now
know as a result of making connections? What new ideas or perspectives have you constructed as a
result of your experience? What impacts might these insights make on your practice?
- Conclusions– How will you use what you have learned? In what ways have your beliefs or practices
changed as a result of your experience? In what ways might you change?
Clarity and accuracy The language is clear and descriptive. The reader can create a mental picture of the situation being described. Abstract concepts are explained accurately.
Explanation of concepts makes sense to an uninformed reader.
Connections to theory An-depth synthesis of thoughtfully selected aspects of key cases related to the situation or experience being reflected upon. Makes clear connections between what is learned from cases and the situation or experience. Demonstrates further analysis
and insight resulting from reflection.
Connections to conceptual readings An-depth synthesis of thoughtfully selected aspects
of readings related to the situation or experience being reflected upon. Makes clear connections between what islearned from readings and the situation or experience. Demonstrate further analysis and insight resulting from what you have learned from reading.
Connections to course objectives Synthesizes, analyzes and evaluates thoughtfully selected aspects of ideas as they relate to the situation or experience on which you are reflecting.
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