Strategy As Practice and Leadership (management)

Assignment Requirements



“The only way to cope with a changing world is to keep learning.” (Dixon 1998)
Critically discuss the Dixon quote in relation to the way that SST can develop an organisation’s intellectual capital.

A strong essay will use the key themes addressed in the second part of the module to develop the analysis, namely:

• Knowledge Management/Environment
(A, What is it? types-TACIT; B, Sharing and creation challenges; C, management culture and environment culture)

• Intellectual Capital & Social Capital
(A, what is it? B, Characteristics 1. Human capital 2. social capital 3. relational capital; C, measurement-1.How 2.why 3.Learning )

• Communities of Practice
(A, cover concept ‘how people learn’; B, fluid idea for orgs; C, management issues)

• Soft Systems Thinking
(A, What is it? Philosophy-relational; B, Soft system Methodology-danger of describing stages.; C, KEY, IDEA TOOLS involves social interaction, learning and How they maybe use & challenges; D, talk about developing)

Organisational examples can be used to illustrate the themes covered in the essay. However, the essay is not a case study, it is a theoretical paper.

Remember that a critical study aims to provide a balanced analysis of differing perspectives, and points of view, before drawing the argument to a coherent conclusion


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