1. On pages 222-225 (The Strength Training Anatomy Workout, Frederic Deavier & Michael Gundhill, Human Kinetics, 2011) there is a program shown for mass gain, first for beginners and then for advanced exercisers. What is the first difference (training variable) that you notice between these two programs? Is there anything that you would do differently between these two programs? Why? Can you spot the exercise that would more than likely be too difficult for novice exercisers in the program? Explain the answer.
2. You might notice that once we get to the Women’s programs, the term firming is used versus mass gains or strength. Is there any real difference in the mechanisms at the level of the neural system or muscle that is different between men and women? In other words, if I have both a man and a woman use a 5-pound weight for biceps curls, is there anything going on that is different between men and women per the changes in the muscles and/or CNS? Explain your answer.
3. Building on the question above, why do men see greater hypertrophy and strength gains than women?
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