Assignment Requirements
Please analyse a vide that I will upload later.
This analysis is 30 minutes from the beginning, not whole video. No reference is required. Write in your own word. Here is the description of this assignment. Please carefully read the following instruction and follow this.
Write an analysis of the video you chose. This analysis should be between around 1200 ~1300 words and contain the following sections in a equal balance.
a) Synopsis and semiotic analysis (25%)
Here you will give a brief synopsis of the full video, and then analyse it in terms of semiotics paying attention to characteristics of the genre, types of signs, codes, etc.
b) Analysis with a view to subtitling (25%)
Here you will discuss the way the qualities/characteristics of the text influence the subtitles (e.g. in a film “Buffy”, the speed of the dialogue and the fast editing creates various problems with the subtitles in that you have to edit down/shorten the dialogue).
c) Specific examples (25%)
Here you will give specific examples of problems in the subtitles and explain how you solved them. Refer to the number of the subtitle and describe the scene and original dialogue by quoting and giving screen shots as required, and then showing how you solved the problem. There should be at least 5 examples.
d) Examples from second mode (25%)
Here you will give specific examples of problems in the SDH (subtitles for the Deaf and hard of hearing) , translation or AD (audio description)and explain how you solved them. Refer to the number of the subtitle and describe the scene and original dialogue by quoting and giving screen shots as required, and then showing how you solved the problem. There should be at least 5 examples.
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