Supply Chain Management

Assignment Requirements

1. Why is SCM a strategic initiative and a valued contributor to company success?
2. Define ownership (vertical) and relationship (virtual) integration and compare their advantages and disadvantages.
3. Define environmental scanning. Imagine you have just been given the responsibility to design your company’s scanning program. What would an effective scanning program look like? What pitfalls would you want to be sure to avoid? Be Specific.
6. Discuss the three primary forces driving globalization. What do you think will happen to each of these forces over the next decade? How will these changes affect globalization?
7. Identify the six rules of globalization. How does each affect decision making and competitiveness in the industry in which you would like to work?
8. From the business press, identify a company making a global SC network design decision. What are the primary issues the company is evaluating? How do they compare to the issues discussed in the chapter?

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