sustainable event report

The module will be assessed through an individual report of 2500 words

assessing learning outcome 1.

You are required to critically assess the sustainability policy of an events

business and offer suitable recommendations in line with your critical

appraisal, and based on theories discussed in the class and beyond. The

chosen event / event management company could be of any size, nature and

in any location of your choice.


• All reports should be typed using 12p text, 1.5 line spacing and


• All reports should be spell checked, peer review is allowed,

• All reports should follow the general structure of cover page,

acknowledgements (if any), title page, introduction, table of contents,

main body, analysis, conclusion/recommendations, although this can

be named differently. Focus and structure should be given with

effective use of headings and subheadings, pictures are not

appreciated, (unless they significantly contribute to the content),

• All sources must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.

• A full reference list of all sources must be included at the end of the
