Synthesis Paragraphs

Synthesis Paragraphs
Style: MLA
Number of pages: 1 pages (275 words)
PowerPoint slides: 0
Number of source/references: 4
Order instructions:
Using the Film FED Up and 3 articles

1. Zoumbaris, Sharon. “National School Lunch Program (NSLP).” Encyclopedia of Wellness: From Açaí Berry to Yo-Yo Dieting. Ed. Sharon Zoumbaris. Vol. 2. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2012. 599-602. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

2. Hyder, Joseph P. “Processed Foods.” Food: In Context. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 660-662. In Context Series.

3. Mantel, Barbara. “Preventing Obesity.” CQ Researcher 1 Oct. 2010: 797-820. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.

Write 3 paragraphs:
Paragraph of “Agreement”, Paragraph of “Disagreement”, Paragraph of “Who Should Care & Establishing Why It Matters”

Each paragraph should be a well-developed paragraph that synthesizes material from all four sources. Your syntheses paragraphs should be 8 (minimum) or more sentences each. You should have a topic sentence for each paragraph that all the rest of the sentences in the paragraph will support and develop.