Bracken Gallery is a broker for not-so-famous painters. Braken maintains a small network database to track painters, paintings, and galleries. A painting is painted by a particular artist, and that painting may be (and may be not) exhibited in a particular gallery. A gallery can exhibit many paintings, but each painting can be exhibited in only one gallery. Similarly, a painting is painted by a single painter, but each painter can paint many paintings. There are several art exhibition events throughout this year. Each gallery can participate in many events, and may be not. However, each exhibition event must be participated by at least one gallery. Artists may or may not join any event, and each event may not have artists participate in. Using ARTIST, PAINTING, EVENT and GALLERY, in terms of a relational database: a.Briefly summarize the business rules that govern the relationship between the four entities. . b.Describe the types of relationships (1:M, M:N, or 1:1) that the relationships between the entities are. . c.Refer to figures 2.3 and 2.9, and use Crow’s Foot notation to draw an ER diagram for the four entities and their relationships. . d.Refer to figures 2.3 and 2.9, and use UML class notation to draw an ER diagram for the four entities and their relationships. . e.List three to five possible attributes for each of the entities. Remember that one of the attributes for each table must be able to uniquely identify an instance of the entity (i.e., primary key). . f.Refer to figure 3.1 and draw four tables (using tools such as MS Word, Excel, or PowerPoint), including the identified attributes for the four entities. For each table, create and draw five records (rows) for that table. . g.Based on the examples provided in section 3.4.2, identify three relational set operators and illustrate the operations based on the tables you created. (For example, you can illustrate the application of the PROJECT operator to the ARTIST table and show the operation result). . h.Refer to figure 2.5 and convert and draw one of your tables into a key-value representation. .
Bracken Gallery is a broker for not-so-famous painters. Braken maintains a small network database to track painters, paintings, and galleries. A painting is painted by a particular artist, and that painting may be (and may be not) exhibited in a Read More …