Assignment Requirements
WR 2101F 001: Essay 4: Research Essay
Length: 5 pages (not including bibliography and, if you are using APA format, title page)
Write a persuasive research essay on one of the following topics. Please keep your audience in mind: you are writing a formal essay for a university course, and your instructor will be your primary reader. You must submit an original work: cite your sources responsibly. You must format your essay according to MLA or APA guidelines.
You must refer specifically to the following five sources in your essay: one single-author academic book, two articles from scholarly journals, a discipline-specific reference work (e.g., dictionary, encyclopedia), and either a story or an editorial from a newspaper. The first must be a print source, but the others can be either print or electronic sources. You are, of course, free to cite other sources in your essay, but you must cite at least the five sources that I list above. Your essay must conclude with an annotated bibliography for four of the five required sources (do not create an entry for the discipline-specific reference work). Your annotations will consist of the following: a full bibliographical citation of the source, a summary, a description of the evidence, and a note describing how you will use the source in your essay.
As always, I must receive electronic and hard copies of your assignment before I will grade it. Both are due by class time on the date specified above.
You will notice that some of these topics have been phrased in the form of rudimentary thesis statements. You must adapt these topics, turning them into thesis statements that are detailed, unified, and specific. Feel free to argue a point of view that opposes the one stated below.
this topic is what I choose: To improve the game of hockey, the N.H.L. should ban violence.
Our professor emphasizes that the reference in the essay should be from our own online library.
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