The Balance Scorecard

Assignment Requirements

The balanced
scorecard approach has been used as a strategy evaluation and strategy
formulation method since the early-1990s when Kaplan and Norton (1992) first
introduced the idea. Variations of the
balanced scorecard were used by over 70% of Fortune 1000 companies by 2002, and
companies in virtually all industries use the scorecard approach as a means of
approaching performance evaluation.
(Research Paper)�You may write a 15-20 page paper on the balanced scorecard
as applied to an industry or field. For
instance, if you work in the healthcare fields, you may want to explore how physician
groups, for-profit or not-for-profit hospitals, insurers, etc. use the balanced
scorecard approach to evaluate and/or help formulate strategy. APA format, citations and references are required for the research paper choice.


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