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* Remember with an exemplification essay, you’re illustrating that a condition or phenomenon exists. You’ll support your thesis with carefully chosen examples.

* When you write your exemplification essay, make sure the examples you choose to support your thesis are appropriate, effective, and well-developed.

* Your essay must have a thesis statement and it must be in the introduction – underline or highlight the thesis statement in your final submission.

* Papers will be graded on the quality of the response. It must be clear that you demonstrate critical and analytical thinking regarding examples used throughout the film. Responses should be clear and well-developed, include details of opinions, character analysis, and observations. Did you agree or disagree with certain scenes examples? In addition, you should support your conclusions with evidence from the film. As a writer, your paper is your personal reflection of examples and analysis of another film director’s work. The SSC is worth 5 points on your final paper grade.

As you watch the film, think about these discussion questions to consider the struggles and examples the women face as they chafe against the written and unwritten rules that limit their lives. Be a critical thinker!

1. Which characters did you find most likable and sympathetic?

2. To what extent do you think a person’s flaws, such as racist attitudes and behaviors, can be forgiven because it is the norm in the surrounding culture? Give examples.

3. Could you sympathize with Miss Hilly? Do you think it is possible to be a good mother despite deep character flaws?

4. What motivated Aibileen?

5. What did you think about Minny’s revenge?

6. How much do you think the dynamics of relationships between black people and white people have changed?