End of the Semester Submission
Each student will submit a two section expanded personal doctrinal statement.
a. Section 1 ? Students will be expected to write no less than three paragraphs and no more than six paragraphs on each of the previously mentioned theological concepts. At least ten (10) biblical references are expected for each concept. These references should be listed in biblical order following the student?s formulation for each concept. Complete footnotes are required for quotations or thoughts taken from any outside source (lecture notes, textbooks, other texts, conversations, websites, etc.)
b. Section 2 ? Student will be expected to present a sound reasoning as to why the doctrines of the inspiration of Scripture, the virgin conception of Christ, the blood atonement of Christ, the reality of Christ?s resurrection, the literal return of Christ, and the active, personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit are non-negotiable Christian beliefs or truths?beliefs or truths without which Christianity is not Christianity.
Concerning the End of the Semester Theological Summation:
Please remember there are 2 sections to this assignment.
You should have at least 10 Bible verses listed after your discussion of each concept. Therefore, you should have at least 80 verses listed total for the project.
Your presentation on each concept should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs and should be more than a running commentary on particular Bible verses. You should present a cohesive argument for the particular concept.
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