Assignment Requirements
Hi there, at this essay we are talking about market theory on travel & tourism particular budget airlines as there low cost and service quality also, we particularly talking about the locales airlines in Australia such as ,Quanta’s and virgin blue airlines. Please be aware the articles are peer review on Harvard style and we are looking at the articles by: Kotler, Burton and Brown.
This is the structure we are looking at:
1. How are services marketed?
-What is a service?
-How they market this ( in particular for travel & tourism)
2. Marketing airline services
-What do airlines offer (in terms of products/services)?
-Why do they offer this (to differentiate themselves from competitors & gain customer loyalty)
-How do they do this (control quality of the service & product… focus more on particular parts of the service)
-Which segments do they target?
3. How do budget airlines market themselves?
-Who is their target market segment (& how does their target segment differ from airlines in general?)
– How do they differ from other airlines in regards to the service they provide?
-How do they market themselves to their target market segment?
Please feel free to ask if there is no clarify ideas on the structure so, we don’t have a mess understanding on the essay!! Please feel free to ask if there is un clarify ideas on the structure so, we don’t have mess understanding on the essay!!
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