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Write a 1200 word essay, double spaced, standard font size and margins exploring the two works in depth. No Plagiarism
A cover sheet with your name, my name, course information
•Reproductions of the images you’ve selected with captions detailing artist,
title, date, materials and dimensions of each
•Research that includes at least four scholarly online sources (generally
sites that end in .org, .gov, or .edu are your best bets; Wikipedia is NOT
allowed) or books.
•Footnotes or parenthetical references for any sources you cite
•A bibliography of all resources you consulted, including your required text
•A total word count at the end of your essay
I. Introduction:
Try to hook your reader with a compelling anecdote, quotation or interesting detail to garner interest. Be certain to offer all of the pertinent details about your chosen images (artist or culture, title, date, materials). Develop a thesis about your image and use it to close out your first paragraph. Be specific as to what aspects of the two works you will focus upon. A good thesis offers your reader a roadmap for your discussion.
Note: do not use the first person in this essay.
II. Formal Analysis of Image 1: Describe all of the physical/formal components of your objects. Use art historical vocab (the type of words in your glossary) as often as possible. Avoid “empty” adjectives like “beautiful” or “unique.” Those words tell your reader nothing specific. If you think the object is “beautiful,” tell your reader WHY. You may
spend a couple of sentences on each of the following topics (but be sure to break up into additional paragraphs if you spend more than 4 or 5 sentences on any of these elements):
a)Size and shape of the object: mention dimensions and discuss the size.
b)Textures represented (is the surface smooth or rough?)
c)Colors employed (are they bright? saturated? faded?
d)Types of materials used (ordinary materials? luxury materials?
e)How space is used (Is there perspective? Are the figures crowded or
spaced out? Is there a ground line? Is there a landscape?)
III. Contextual Analysis of Image 1:
Describe the context of the object. Use art historical vocab as often as possible. You may spend a couple of sentences on each of the following topics:
a)What was happening in the world at the time the object was created?
b)What were that culture’s contributions to society?
c)Do you know anything about the artist’s background?
d)Do you know anything about how the object would have been made?
e)Is this object typical of the culture its from or is it very unique?
IV. Formal Analysis of Image 2
V. Contextual Analysis of Image 2
VI. Comparison of the Two Images
VII. Differences in the Two Images
VIII. Conclusion:Resummarize your key points without being redundant. Attempt to close out your paper with the most pertinent points of your essay. Most essays should start very broadly, then become very specific in the body paragraphs, and finally in the conclusion become more general again.