Water Carriers and Pipelines

You can have as many sources you like

The Term Paper should be 6-8 pages and turned in on safe assign. If you have graphs or pictures it should run longer. Please double space using Ariel font 12 pt with normal or narrow margins. List your sources in a format I can referance them if I need to.

The first paragraph should clearly state the topic and summary of the paper, so as I read it I can compare the content with the intent of the paper

Assignment: Pick a transportation topic covered in the course and provide additional research on the topic expanding on the basics from the book. Become the expert on the topic. It is always best to pick a topic you are interested in because the papers are better.

Example of content:

Topic: Driver Hours

History on Topic: What is the history on driver requirements and laws related

Current State: New or proposed laws

Observations/measurements/statistics: Accident statistics, number of trucks on the road