weekly Reading Responses 5 & 6

Assignment Requirements


Question 5: What instructional practices are effective for ELLs in writing?
Use the following sources to answer the question
*Grassi & Barker Chapter 15:Strategies for Written Error Correction (
* Peregoy & Boyle Chapter 8:Reading and Literature Instruction for English Learners

Question 6: What instructional practices are effective for teaching ELLs language and content?
Use the following sources to answer the question
* Grassi & Barker Chapter 9:Integrated Content Language Approach
*Peregoy & Boyle Chapter 9 & 10:Reading, Writing and learning in ESL

A special education teacher has convinced a parent of a seven-year old boy with autism to seek medication for her son. At the parent’s urging, the doctor has prescribed two psychotropic medications. Since starting the medication three weeks ago, the student has been coming to school in a “zombie-like state,” often falling asleep for much of the day. You talk to the special education teacher about the student and she says: “It sure beats having him run around the class all day.” As a START coach, respond to this teacher.


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