Assignment Requirements: Research Paper
What impact is environmental and social management having on the international banking, financial and property sectors of the global economy? Critically analyse.
Issues you may wish to consider to help you answer the question set include:
The legal and political environment.
The financial climate.
The managerial and labour environment.
The regulatory environment.
Key players within the industry.
Key consumers.
Key international competitors.
The paper should display evidence of careful thought throughout.
In addition well respected sources such as The Economist, Business Week International Edition, The International Herald Tribune and The Asian Wall Street Journal can also be utilised.
Marks will be awarded for: Also See Assignment Marking Sheet Below
1. Concise prose.
2. The use of facts to support assertions.
3. The use of theory.
4. The correct use of English.
5. Balance.
6. Critical thought.
7. Relevance.
1500 Word Executive Summary
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